Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Love-Hate Relationship with Saturday...or Why I Need 3 Day Weekends

Let me tell you about Saturdays....I get up at 4am for a Bible Study Leader's Meeting that meets at 5:30.  Because if you want to get a large group of women together, what possible conflict could there be at 5:30am?  (Besides sleeping, of course!)  Everyone else attends the study on Monday evenings...a much more appropriate time to be awake.  So I get back home around 8 and return to bed for the rest of the sleep that needs to be recouped from the week.  Binge sleeping is what I like to call it.  Which means that around 11 I get up and start the day.  The next time I look at the clock, it is 8pm.  How is this happening?  Seriously who is stealing my Saturdays?  Sunday mornings are spent at church...although I do not have to get up quite as early.  Then the afternoon is reserved for lesson planning and getting ready for the week.  Clearly I need an extra day in my weekend!

On the other hand, Saturday is full of blogging time.  Here are some fabulous posts I have been catching up on:
Click the pic to check it out-
First Grade Wow:  A great post about good readers....and a freebie at the end.  SO cute.

Peacocks and Penguins:  A whole bunch of good stuff and some giveaways...but what I LOVED was an anchor chart about reasons readers have for abandoning a book...and she uses duct tape to make them fancy.

Classroom Fun: A fun back to school post using The Kissing Hand.

The Teaching Thief:  All about read to self and stamina.  Love using Michael Phelps to talk about stamina. 
Today, however, I am having reading withdrawals.  So I going to sit on my porch with my quilt, coffee, and a book.  Option paralysis about which one to start, though....

Happy Saturday,

For those of you interested in an amazing study of Genesis....go to I am freely endorsing Bible Study Fellowship....wonderful people and a wonderful study.  It is international and can travel and visit classes in other countries who are studying the same lesson that you would be if you were still at home.   And they have children's programs so you can work together as a family too!


  1. Oh my goodness, I can't believe you wake up at 4:00am on a Saturday!! You are one dedicated girl! No wonder you need an extra day added to your weekend. I need an extra one too but I am pretty sure you have a better excuse than me....Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :) Lattes and Laughter

  2. Some teachers were just talking about this at school-we all agreed it would be perfect-you have a day to run errands, a day to clean the house/do school work and then a day to relax. Sounds like a great plan to me! :)

