Saturday, June 2, 2012

Summer is Starting...Pictures to Remember for Fall

Want to know you to determine if summer has started?  Check out Summer Linky Party over at Kindergarten Lifestyle.  
I went camera crazy in my classroom, so I can remember where I think I will put everything when we return in fall.   Thought I would share them here as well:-)  Beware...many pictures to follow!
From the door looking straight across,
looking diagonally across,
 and looking to the left.
Morning check-in get their lunch magnet, morning work, and chickadee cards.
The Library
Chapter Books
Non-Fiction Books
Picture Books
1/2 of the Chickadee's cubbies.
Small group area and my teacher area behind.
 Whole group area. 
 Professional books and Choice Time Activities
 Picture Book Read Alouds and more Choice Time Activities
 The same cupboards...closed.  Where we keep track of our math timed test progress.
 Take Home File for sending papers home and student computer.
 Turn In Area--box for in class work--drawers for separating homework assignments.
Student Drawers:  They keep unfinished work, personal dictionaries, etc here.
Student Mugs:  Chickadees can earn hot cocoa.  Instead of using disposable cups, each student brings a mug from home and leaves it at school.  We also use them for parties instead of having to buy cups.
And curtains to hide the mug jumble...
 Themed Bulletin Board:  Illustrations and information for the current unit of study.
 Supply baskets.  There is one for each table group.
 Our OWL wall. 
 Math Shape Anchor Chart
 Community Bulletin Board:  Our class is a team, so we draw ourselves in the uniform of our favorite sport.  The quote says, "Each life is like a letter of the alphabet.  Alone it can be meaningless.  Or it can be part of a great meaning."
 Colorful curtains, for hiding....
reading group books, teaching guides, dictionaries, curriculum, coats, and backpacks. 
 A view looking out from the small group table.
 The Entryway:
Dodger curtains, of course.  The door has everyone's picture and an, "In This Classroom...." poster.
That ends the to search how to rearrange for next year...because things can always be tweaked and moved around.

Happy Saturday,


  1. Risers in the whole group meeting area- wow- what a great idea. Is that something your school provided, or did you find them somewhere? How big is your classroom out of curiosity? I think mine might be half that...

    1. Risers-Our music room had to upgrade to risers that had the back bar across the back, for safety reasons:-) I volunteered to upcycle the old ones and I am pretty sure I ended up with the best part of the arrangement:-)

      Room Size-I am not sure the actual dimensions. It does feel big, but I often attribute that to the wall of windows. I would love to see your some pics:-)

  2. Have we talked about your risers before??? So cool!!
    And you have so many books!!!!! :)

    1. Yep:-) Riser upcycle.
      I am a book fiend! We have the best used bookstore...ever and I find a lot of books there.

  3. Another huge fan of the risers. Genius! I'm going to look for some this summer. And your windows, oo la la. I am so jealous and I have four windows, but yours are like a green house!

    ✰ Kimberley ✰
    First in Maine

    1. Thanks. We LOVE our windows...most of the time:-)

  4. So funny- I'm always doing school stuff while watching tv too! LOVE the pictures of your classroom!
    Conversations in Literacy

  5. I love your colorful curtains and the bleachers!!! I think I'm too clumsy to have those in my room... I'd end up with bruises all over my legs if I had them! They are simply amazing though!

  6. fabulous! Your room is inspiring!!
