Thursday, February 9, 2012

If...Mental Images To Be Continued

What an exciting day!  First I made it to 100 followers!  Love all the new people I am "meeting."  Second I won three units.  I cannot wait to use them!  From Second Grade Sugar and Spice an American Symbols mini-unit and from Oh My LIttle Classity Class a fluency game, and from The Honey Bunch a double digit addition scoot game!  Woohoo!

And now onto class like things....
Today we read the book, If, by Sarah Perry.  I had even heard of it before The Accidental Teacher, Mom, Runner mentioned it in her Mental Image Book List.  The words are simple and the illustrations amazing (although my chickadees haven't seen them yet).   We all thoroughly enjoyed making an image of each page....some of them were pretty funny.

One of the If illustrations.
After we finished reading and creating images of the text, we wrote our own If statements.
If snot was juice.....
If dogs didn't have tales....
If the American flag had 8 stars...(can you tell what we have been studying?)
If snow were ice cream...
If children had 100,000,000 eyeballs...
If a fish could jump...
If I were Sean...(can we tell who this student's best friend is?)
If frogs told tales...
If boys were girls...
If whales could talk...
If the Statue of Liberty could talk...(again, can you tell what we have been studying?)
If houses were movable...
If hippos wore pants...
If dogs could talk...
If waves could talk...
If children were half robot...

We created an interesting list.  I have typed them all and am going to put them in a hat.  Students will pick a phrase and do their best mental image.  Tomorrow we make our own images for our If statements....stay tuned.  It should be entertaining!

Happy Thursday


  1. What a cute idea! I can't wait to see the kids pictures. Congrats on your win.

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  2. Oh, oh, oh - I have this book. Have never used it for my mental images unit. I'm doing that unit next and can't wait to use that book!!!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  3. I've never seen that book before - love it! I bet your students' images will be tons of fun.


  4. So fun! "If snot was juice" cracked me up!

    Second Grade Silliness 

  5. Congrats on 100! I'm stuck at 94. :)


  6. Love that book.

    Writing those sentences is a great idea. Totally stealing it.
    Dragonflies in First
