Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

 Meteorologist Day

Kids have some interesting thoughts about meteorologists...

We also decided what kind of shirts meterologists should wear.
Fresh Prince/Arsenio Style....
Miss Frizzle Style
Sports Style....I have some UofO Fans...and a Dodger tie
Bee themed
Formal Style
They open up and tomorrow we are going to write on the inside all about meteorologists.  It will be the next addition to our lapbook.

Happy Thursday,

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

 Weather Science Day

Today for lunch, I had leftover Chinese food and found some inspiration in the fortune cookie.  It is shareable to all of you lovely inspiring bloggers!
Your ability to love will help a child in need.
We are making mini-weather ones.  Today, most of us finished the title/front cover.
Yesterday, Jenny shared about her trip and so today I am sharing about the trip that came to us:-)  Our local science museum has traveling programs.  We had one all about weather today. 
We made a cloud in a bottle:
Made a tornado in a bottle:
Made a rainbow:
Made some electricity:
We made a wind vane:
We made clouds:
We made rain gauges:

Super Fun Day!
Happy Wednesday,