Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Reading Response Journal Gallery

I love reading what kids have to share about their reading!  Every week, students have to turn in their journals.  Five students each day, so I don't end up with 29 all at once to get back to them!  Recently, I went to an amazing conference with Mary Ehrenworth...so great!  She inspired me to add creativity to our Reading Response Journals.  I showed my students some examples.  They searched for ideas and we brainstormed them.  Here is the awesome-ness that was found-

Problem and Solutions
Character Descriptions...Look closely...he made new words from each of the two descriptive words.
Pictures and descriptions of bad guys or memorable characters
Coded post it notes
A story map
She made a symbol for combining the parts of the book.
This guy drew a picture and then bottom sketches are symbols he made up that would represent each of the characters.
Comparing two books in a series
Comparing two books with similar ideas.
Then we had a gallery showing and shared our work with our friends.
So fun and it put more life and energy into writing about reading!

Happy Wednesday,


  1. I love these journals! The Hundred Dresses is one of my favorite books!

  2. Your classroom is full of life and real reasons to think and learn.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. That's very impressive! I bet your kids really enjoyed that. I love having sharing galleries. I need to do that more often.
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  4. I love this, it seems so much more meaningful then just writing a paragraph in your journal. I would love some more details on how you taught them these different types of responses… :)

    1. I did one of my own as an example. Then I went online and found other examples of what they could do. Most came up with their own plans....so creative.
