Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bubbles and Self Control

Tammy over @ Forever in First posted about self control bubbles.....saved my week!  You must go visit her blog for more info...but here is what it looked like in our room.
We started by blowing bubbles....they went a little expected....bubbles have that effect on kiddos:-)
Then I challenged a student to control themselves and ignore the matter what!
We discussed how the bubbles can be like people who try to bother us, but we have to use self-control and not let it bother us.  Students who were able to master the bubble challenge got to write their name on the students LOVE writing on the white board!
For some of my kiddos who struggle, I could just say, "bubble" and it would immediately help them make a new choice. 

Thank you!  Thank you Tammy!
Happy Sunday,

PS...tomorrow is book award day!  Can't wait to find out the Newberry and Caldecott winners.


  1. I did this last year with my students. I looped but need to revisit.

  2. This year I don't need it so much (I think this is possibly the easiest mngt. group I've EVER had). But when I taught 2nd Grade this would have worked wonders! Hindsight is 20/20

  3. You are so very welcome. I'm glad it worked for you!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. This is such a great idea! I have a very difficult class this year and I am soooo doing this. Thanks for sharing.

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