Showing posts with label Good fit books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good fit books. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2012

 Good Fit Books and a Challenge

Events of the Day:
1)  Good Fit Books
We watched a fabulous video about good fit books.....Teaching With Hope
Then we went around the room looking for a friend with a shoe that would be a good fit and another friend who had a shoe that would not be.

2)  Double Dog Dare Challenge
I "Double Dog Dare" Challenged my kiddos to read outside their gender.  Oh my word this was hilarious.  Read about it over at the Nerdy Book Club.  My whole class was all over this!  One student, who chose a Rainbow Fairy book, finished Read to Self and said, "Miss Foote, this book is actually pretty good.  I am going to keep reading it."  Too funny!  So the boys are reading Rainbow Fairy books and the girls are reading some Stink books. 
Happy Monday,