Friday, September 6, 2013

Daily Five for Friday

I have successfully made it through my first week back.  The verdict is still out on my feelings about 3rd grade...
Daily Five is a whole lot smoother when the two previous grades use it for their Reader's Workshop structure.  So I am linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching and sharing some random pics from our Reader's Workshop time.  Most of our discussions centered around Read to Self and making smart choices about where we read.

Go link up and share some random.
Happy Friday,

P.S.  My Donors Choose project for Hokki Stools exploded this week!  On Tuesday it still needed over $300.00.  Today $95.00 left to go!  Thinking good thoughts that it will get fully funded soon. Check it out....Wiggle and Learn


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! It's so awesome to see kids reading.
    Mrs. Tretbar’s Library

  2. I love the pics of the kids reading as well! My fingers are crossed for your Donorschoose proposal! :)


  3. I love seeing the kids reading with stuffed animals. Mine love to do that too! Today we had a lizard visit and everyone wanted to read to him!
    Can't wait to see your kids reading on those stools!!

  4. We spend a lot of extra time on the "read to self" part. I don't add any of the other elements until usually November ish and it usual later in the month. Read to Self is so crazy important and I want to make sure my thirds have it down perrrrrfect before adding anything else. It is hard not to want to jump ahead and give them more but in the long run it makes Daily 5 so much smoother. I know it is a big change for you but I am so happy to see you in 3rd ;D

  5. I'm in the midst of Read to Self as well, spread throughout the room under desks, on top of desks, in corners. Great stuff!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  6. So much happens in third. I know we say that about every grade, but really they could either love reading and learning or hate it as they move forward. I'm happy they have you.

    First in Maine

  7. I bet you end up loving 3:)
    Glad to hear your daily five is working well.
