Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Some State Testing and Some Science

The sad part of the day.....
door closed-students all apart-state testing
I duct taped the door jam so we wouldn't be distracted if people came and went...I encourage movement breaks...just not in the room:-)
Just a note to let everyone know to stay out...I taped this on top of the doorknob.
Sustenance for all involved!
The better part of the day....
My Chickadeees are SO into their non-fiction books.  I am loving how hard they are working!  Even the off-task ones haven't needed reminders.

 We ended the day with some science.  We defined germination and the parts of a plant.
a diagram to add to our lap book
Then we used our bodies to show what each stage of a plant might be expressed.
germination...note the tiny leaves
Then I sent four students in the hall and told them to each pick one stage of a flower.   Then told them to come back in, out of order.
 Another student had to direct them back into the correct plant growing order.
Happy Tuesday,


  1. I love the duct tape idea!! I know testing is important, but I feel like the hours we spend doing it are wasted!! Happy Tuesday!
    Owl Things First

  2. Sorry about all the testing. :(
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
