Wednesday, December 7, 2011

3 Kinds of Readers

One of the things we did this week was learn about the 3 kinds of readers:  Pretender, Dutiful, or Engaged.  We made a chart about what each of the readers does during read to self.

 Then we made our own chart (sorry for the glare) 
Engaged reader is thinking, "I like this book.  It is cool."  The dutiful reader is thinking, "I don't like this book, but she told me to read it."  The pretender is thinking, "I like dogs."
And then we acted out what each of the readers would look like during read to self. 

Observers were to put their thumb up if they thought they could identify what type of reader each student was.


  1. I heart this and will be doing this soon!!! LOVE IT! We are struggling with Read to Self but are on the up and up! This is a great fun lesson to do!

  2. The kids LOVE acting it out....especially the pretender. One of them was even pretending to read upside down, in his chair. Good thing we were just doing the modeling....because of course we wouldn't be doing that for reals:-) Hope you are feeling better!

  3. I love your blog! I am a new follower!
