Flexible seating might be the trendy thing to do, but I have been giving students seating choice for years. I like to choose where I work, why wouldn't kids as well. Assigned seating drives me crazy:-)
Here is what seating choice looks like in my classroom.
Before we start, we go over how to make appropriate choices.
A traditional table and chair is always a choice.
Lowered table and adirondack chairs. Students also use the pillows and sit on knees or bottoms.
Tall wooden stools.

The carpet is a popular choice...with or without lap desks.
Some students created some very clever seating choices, and they actually worked out really well, so we kept them.
We started with exercise balls, but I have swapped them for Hokki stools. I have about 12 Hokki stools. We also used to have risers, but students kept finding screws and bolts on the ground, so they had to go away because...safety.

A white bench I found at ikea.
Scoop seats and a raised table are next on my list of choices to add.
A traditional table and chair is always a choice.
Lowered table and adirondack chairs. Students also use the pillows and sit on knees or bottoms.
Tall wooden stools.

The carpet is a popular choice...with or without lap desks.
Some students created some very clever seating choices, and they actually worked out really well, so we kept them.
We started with exercise balls, but I have swapped them for Hokki stools. I have about 12 Hokki stools. We also used to have risers, but students kept finding screws and bolts on the ground, so they had to go away because...safety.

A white bench I found at ikea.
Scoop seats and a raised table are next on my list of choices to add.