Saturday, August 17, 2013

Tips and Tricks

Teacher Week 13: Tips and Tricks
This tip is super easy!  Keep a journal. of cards, e-mails, and notes that encourage you.  I save them and tape them into a book.  Then when a day....or a year feels awful, I reread them for a pick me up.  I also keep track of how many kids I have from year to year and who my teaching partners were.  Some years, I write more about day to day things, or more reflective type entries, but that usually depends on how demanding the year has been.

I don't save them all, just the ones that make my heart happy!
Happy Saturday,


  1. Such a neat idea! Now I'm wishing I had printed or saved more of the notes and emails I have received.


    Teaching Little Miracles

  2. This is something I have always been meaning to do and never really got around to doing it. It may be just the inspiration I need this year. Love the "brain wrinkles" one-I know that's a phrase you use a lot-I love when they throw those kinds of things back at you! :)


  3. I am going to start this ASAP! Thank you for sharing this idea. I hope that the year fills your book more than the need to read it!

  4. What a great idea! It must be wonderful to pull those out on down days for a good smile! I'd like to be in your room!

  5. I save some special ones too. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
