Saturday, July 28, 2012

Where is Laurie?

How does one organize catching up on their blog readers!?  I try and read a little each day, but the numbers just keep growing.

Resort...otherwise known as Aunt Shell's backyard!
Down here in Southern Oregon it is hot!  I spend days at the pool digging away at my stack of books.  This is a small piece of my aunt's backyard, where I spend the majority of the afternoons.  Trying to catch up on my summer book-a-day reading.

Anyway I am off for birthday brunch at my favorite Ashland restaurant.  Delicious and the inside is so whimsical!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Birthday Birthday

BEFORE:  This idea originally came to me from my mentor teacher while student teaching.  One birthday bag for each month and then she used a pin to attach a birthday star in the eraser.   So I did the same thing and kids love getting to have their pencil on their birthday.  What I don't like is them trying to sharpen it...that filmy paper decorating the pencil is not friends with electric pencil sharpeners. 
AFTER--This year, I trying out crazy straws.  They came in packs of six for a dollar.  I used the same star and taped it to the straw.  I made some "flipped" calendar months for each of the bags, added some tissue paper and the finished straw.
Add some self adhesive magnet to the back.
BEFORE--They used to hang between windows, on a metal electrical strip, but my students last year kept bumping them, and they would fall down.
AFTER--I put them on the top of the whiteboard.  Now all I need is to know birthdays of my new group of chickadees
On the chickadee's birthday, we sing this song:
It cracks them up! Then I take their straw out for them to keep.  Maybe this year, I will need to get them a juice box, so they can try it out:-)   My birthday was in the summer, so I never got to celebrate it at school or it would be combined with everyone else who had a summer birthday.  I always hated that.  So my summer birthday kiddos, we celebrate their birthday on their half birthday.  That way they get their own day, just like all the school year birthdays.

Happy Thursday,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Must Have Picture Books

The Teacher Wife is having a must have picture book party.  How in the world are all of you narrowing the list to 5!  This is difficult!  Number 1 is easy....I start the year off with it and refer to it all year long.  

1.  Teammates by Peter Golenbeck
The story is about the beginnings of Jackie Robinson but has a big emphasis on Peewee Reese.  (The player with the most to lose with Jackie joining the team, yet was one of the only team members who stood up for him.)  I want my chickadees to treat each other that way. is about the Dodgers....

2.  Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
A bat who thinks she is a bird and tries her best to be one.  Love this story.  When I was little, I read the Serendipity book, Flutterby repeatedly and Stellaluna always reminds me of it.

3.  That Book Woman by Heather Henson
Who delivers books in all kinds of weather....the pack horse librarian of course.  Great story!  Also good for not taking libraries for granted.

4.  Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco
Love this from a teacher's perspective and love watching kids as they listen to it.  (Not a book that can generally be read to a group of primary kiddos in one sitting.)  The follow up book, The Junkyard Wonders is just as lovely.

5.  Couldn't choose between the two of these.  The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything and Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli.  Two holiday specific books.  Little Old Lady gets everybody reading along...."two gloves go clap clap".  Mr. Hatch is just a sweet book about making cheering each other up.

Join up and share your favorites.
Happy Tuesday,

Monday, July 16, 2012

Just Another Monday Made It


More projects to check off the list and share the Monday Made It Linky Party.  
PROJECT 1:  Measurement Dice
I am adding an element to calendar each day.  "Monday Measurement", "Tuesday Time & Tally", etc)  For measurement, I made three dice.  I found some blocks in a tub buried in the back of my math cupboard.  One block for each of the measurement categories (volume, distance, mass).  Then I typed words that matched the category and modge-podged them onto the six sides of the block.
The plan, running through my head, is to roll each dice during calendar.  Whatever the dice says is what we will measure.  So if we roll "cups" then we will use a container and see how many cups will fill it.  In our journals, we will also record other materials cups would be an appropriate tool to use.  We will do this for each of the dice, so we experience each of the types of measurement.  Because I have 2nd and 3rd next year, this should allow both grades to learn the measurement piece of common core.  If you are able to use the measurement labels, click here.

PROJECT 2:  Clip Chart
The clip chart I have used in my room for years.  It was rainbow colored and worked perfectly fine....but it didn't have polka dots and it didn't match the classroom....time for a makeover
I printed out the phrases "flipped" style and glued them onto a background color.  The green polka dots are plates.  Then I tied all the plates together with green ribbon and hot glued the whole thing to a yard stick. 

Using the same style letters and a larger plate, I made up a title, and can't wait to take it back to school!
What have you been making?  Linky up!
Happy Monday,

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Best Math Book

Donna @ Math Coach's Corner is having a party about math books.  Reading is my better subject, so I am super excited about all the math book suggestions.   My favorite math book is Math and Literature by Marilyn Burns.  There is a K-1 book and a 2-3.  There is an intermediate grade book as well, and I think it covers 4-6.

Each chapter is based on a children's book and then guides discussion/activities around it.  The book reads like you are reading a transcript of the classroom while they are participating in the math lesson.
I have three favorites:
1.  Caps for Sale:  Students figure out the total amount of hats sold as well as how much the peddler would have if he sold all his hats.
2.  Inch by Inch:  Students use a unifix cube (a one inch square) to find perimeter of objects around the room.
3.  Rooster's Off to See the World:  Students uses a growing pattern to figure out how many friends end up on Rooster's journey.

Check out other great books through the Best Math Blog Hop.

Happy Sunday,

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mentor Award

Summer blogging is nuts!  Keeping up with all the posts is impeding my daily reading and floating. Kudos to all of you sharing and inspiring....I am going to catch up one of these days!

A big thank you to Owl Things First.  I like to call her my bosom blog bestie. (because we both love Anne of Green Gables.)  She has awarded me with the Marvelous Mentor Award.  I don't know a whole lot about lots and lots and lots of trial and error is how I figure things out.  But I help when I know something:-)

Here are the award rules:
1. Thank the person for giving it to you.
2. Give it to people who helped you learn the blogging ropes.

I would like to pass this award on to 
Ladybug's Teacher Files  She always has helpful ideas as well as new ways to make things cute...for the blog or the classroom.  A whole section of her blog is tutorials.  Also, I am in love with the "flipped" black/white circles!
I needed to label some of my drawers and thought it would be a great way to try out the flipped funness.  This one is on my teacher area (hence the cursive writing)  Inside the drawers are file folders for RTI, PBIS, Schoolwide Awards, etc.  Another has the stamps and jewels for the clip chart and student "stamp cards."  
This one is for students to turn in weekly work.  I like having students sort work as they turn it in...saves me a step at the end of the week, when I check it off.

I also redid my calendar days and months, using the same technique and a circle.  Here is my question, I really need a circle cutter!  Do any of you have a circle cutter you love?  Suggestions?

Also, don't forget the fun Inky Linky Party happening at Mr B's Beach Brains.  It is all about tattoos and I am loving seeing other people's ink!

Happy Friday,

Monday, July 9, 2012

Made it Monday

Finally getting to participate in Monday Made It!  I love love when I find a pin on Pinterest, and then actually do it!  Have you seen this cuteness?  Click the picture for more info. 
Here is how I did mine.
Spray Paint a board and clothespins
I used adhesive polka-dots
Cut scrapbook paper in two different sizes and added stickers for the lettering.

I couldn't find my tiny hole punch, so used a push pin to make the holes
Then I cut out two "chickadees" and strung the words between them.  I hot glued the clothespins onto the board and can't wait to take it to school!
Also, I finally finished the famous, "teacher toolbox".  Google'll find all kinds of versions and how-tos.
Can you tell what my favorite color might be:-)
Happy Monday,